Starting your own business is hard enough, but when it gets to the point where you have a team to manage and motivate, it can feel like the hardest thing in the world. If it’s something you have never done before, then it can be difficult to know what to do and what not to do, being a leader doesn’t come naturally to everyone.
So if you want to build an effective team who work together and are inspired by your leadership, you can do no wrong if you follow these tips. Key is to recognise that your team is your best asset, so you need to allocate time and resources to developing and nurturing your employees. The time spent will be paid back many times over if you have a team who works with you, all with the common goal of helping you to achieve your goals.
• Your staff want to feel involved, and want to know what’s happening within the business. It makes them feel a real team member, and that their contribution is really valued. So you need to ensure you communicate regularly. Not just in terms of tasks, but the wider issues affecting the business. Whether you are all meeting targets and what plans you have for developing the business. Try and involve them in decision making, even down to the paint on the walls if you have to!
• Make it abundantly clear that you have an open door policy. You want to encourage employees to come and approach you with any grievances or suggestions. As their boss, you will inevitably give them feedback on their performance through assessments and reviews, so the same should be true in return. If they are unhappy, then they should feel able to come to you rather than suffering in silence and then resigning. That’s the last thing you want
• Don’t try and be someone you aren’t. Yes, your employees will look up to you, but they will relate to you more if you are open, honest, and just be yourself. If they feel they can get to know you a bit better, they will feel more relaxed and comfortable in your presence. This helps for better relationships all round
• You need to be sure of yourself and your decisions. You don’t want to appear flaky or indecisive, remember you are still the leader, so you need to know what to do to take the business forward.
• Get to know your team. Both in terms of their strengths and capabilities, so you know who to allocate tasks to, but also personally. Who their family is, their likes and dislikes and hobbies etc. Then take the time to remember the things you know, it’s thoughtful and considerate, and shows you care
• Ensure that any conflict is managed quickly and effectively. You don’t want to create a negative atmosphere within the company or bad feeling between employees, or with you. Be fair, firm and show that you are on top of the issue
• Finally, lead by example. You want to inspire your staff, have them look up to you, so you should act as you would want them to act. Be open, honest, transparent, behave professionally, help and support your team, and they will respond in return
Giving the tips above a go should make a difference into the overall morale of your staff, and put you well on the way to have a happy and healthy team!