What Not To Do When Networking

The Art Of Networking

Since starting Striped Leopard I have been to a great many networking events. Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, afternoon tea, networking with golf, speed networking, women’s only networking. Quite often I can have 5 events a week and I have been known to attend breakfast, lunch and dinner on the same day.

I really enjoy networking, I have met some incredible people who have absolutely incredible businesses. Everyone who goes networking is ambitious, they wouldn’t be there if they weren’t looking to grow their business so you tend to meet a lot of driven people at these events.

Networking is about building relationships and supporting each other. This doesn’t happen overnight so you can’t expect to attend a networking event and start picking up clients straight away.

I never go networking looking for clients, I go networking looking for like-minded people. Those who believe that the client comes first and providing an excellent service is truly the most important thing to them. I also try and think of ways I can help them. Perhaps I know someone they would benefit from meeting or (as often happens) perhaps they have a tax question they want answering. Either way, I like to help people and if I offer support or free advice then I am much more likely to get the same in return.

That being said there are also the people who you wish you didn’t run into.

The Bonecrusher

This is the person who has super-human strength in their hand and isn’t afraid to use it!

I have literally had to do awkward left-handed handshakes for a few days after a meeting with one of these people bruised my hand badly.

Why do they insist on doing this? Yes, a firm handshake is good but a handshake which leaves the other person wincing, nursing their wounded hand and looking daggers at you may be a tad over-firm.

The Wet Fish

This is the limp-wristed opposite of the bone crusher. This is not a hand shake, its a pathetic feather touch of a (usually) sweaty hand and it leaves an awful first impression.

This makes you look very uncertain and very nervous.

The Medieval Maiden

This is the woman (always a woman) who offers her hand palm down as though expecting me to bow to her and kiss her fingers.

Very odd behaviour and always a bit awkward to combat. You just end up shaking the fingers instead of the hand.

The Space Invader

The person who stands much too close to you whilst speaking. You try and edge away but they follow you so you end up awkwardly leaning back as though you are doing the limbo.

Respect people’s personal space!

The Starer

These are the people that have obviously heard that eye contact is the most important thing and they take it way to literally.

They refuse to break eye contact to the point where you feel uncomfortable at the intensity of their stare and don’t know where to look yourself.

The Diva

Possibly my biggest bugbear while networking.

These people are so self-involved that they do not care what you have to say. They talk at you constantly. They don’t ask you any questions because they are simply not interested and they are the hardest to shake because their level of self-involvement means that they miss the subtle hints networkers make to move on to the next person and stick to you like a leech.

In Conclusion

There are other no-no’s when networking such as getting drunk, bitching about others, boasting and moaning but the above seem to be the most common.

Basically, check with people who will give you an honest opinion, such as your friends and family, that you have a decent handshake, don’t stand too close to people, don’t stare at them in a creepy fashion and don’t talk about yourself non-stop and you will be just fine.

I’d love to hear about your experiences while networking, do you have other types of people to add to the list?
